Notice Of Application and Public Hearing


Notice is hereby given that the City of Sumner PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING on an update to Sumner Municipal Code as described below. Written comments are due by October 3rd, 2024 by 5:00 pm to or comment at the public hearing. The public has the right to review the contents of the official file for the proposal, provide written comments, participate in the public hearings/meetings, and request a copy of the final decision.

Proposal Name: Zoning Code Text Amendment (CTA-2024-0005) Multifamily Residential Infill

Proposal Description: The State House of Representatives passed bill 1042 creating regulations for allowing Multifamily Residential Infill of existing commercial and multifamily developments. This bill requires Cities to review their current land use codes and make necessary changes for compliance with the State.

The proposed amendments to Sumner Municipal Code will update regulations to allow infill additions to existing commercial and multifamily developments. These changes include:

• Creates definitions for “multifamily dwelling” and “multifamily residential infill”.
• Sets scope for what multifamily residential infill unit developments can and cant include
• Provides permitting and code exemptions for multifamily residential infill units
• Updates zones currently allowing commercial and multifamily developments to permit existing commercial and multifamily structures to allow multifamily residential infill units
• More detailed information on proposed code change can be found on the Cities website or scan the QR code:

Location / Parcel(s) #: City-wide

Permit Application #: CTA-2024-0005

Applicant/Rep: City of Sumner

Hearing Date and Time: October 3rd, 2024 at 6:00pm

SEPA Environmental Review: A SEPA DNS was issued August 6th, 2024, under SEPA-2024-0013.

Hearing Location / Zoom Virtual Meeting Link: The public is welcome to attend this meeting in-person at Sumner City Hall Council Chambers, 1104 Maple Street, or virtually by using the meeting access link below:
Link to join Zoom Webinar:
Or by phone: 253 215 8782 (Tacoma)
Webinar ID: 886 5511 6217

Comment Period: Written comments due: October 3rd, 2024 by 5:00 pm, or oral comments taken during the public hearing. Submit written comments to, or Sumner Development Services Department 1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390.

Associated Documents:

Other Required Approvals: City Council, Dept of Commerce, other agencies.

Staff Contact: Direct questions to: Scott Waller, Development Services Department, 253-299-5527 or

Date of Application: 07/23/24
Date of Complete Application: 07/23/24
Published/Posted/Mailed: September 23, 2024

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