The City of Sumner has adopted the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC) as the primary standards for all new construction. The 2018 editions of the International Fire Code, International Mechanical Code, and Uniform Plumbing Code have been adopted to cover those specific portions of construction projects. See more details at the International Code Council.
Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
Ground Snow Load: 25 lbs/sq ft
Wind Speed (Gust): 100 mph
Seismic Design Category: D-1
Weathering: Moderate
Frost line depth: 12″
Termites: slight to moderate
Decay: slight to moderate
Winter Design Temp: 17°
Ice Shield Underlay: No
Flood Hazards: 1987, 1987 FIRM
Air Freeze Index: 250
Mean Annual Temp: 50°
Additional requirements may apply to your project.
Contact Us
For information on obtaining building permits in the City of Sumner, please contact Allison Judge by email or at 253-299-5530.
Schedule inspections using the online portal. You will use the same login information you used to apply for your permit.
For more information on code issues, please contact the Building Official at 253-299-5530 or
For commercial/industrial projects, residential subdivisions, or other major projects, the City of Sumner offers a no-charge predevelopment project review. This can help you determine what types of requirements and fees your project will require before you apply for permits.
You will also know more about the feasibility of your project prior to needing final plans. Please contact the Permit Center for more information on how this works.
Contractors doing work within the City Limits are required to hold a current City of Sumner Business License. You can obtain this license through the State of Washington’s Master License system. Get started here.