Sumner’s volunteer commissions provide advice and input to the City Council on key areas.

Attending a Meeting

Commission meetings are open to the public.  If the work of one commission interests you, consider joining a meeting or two.

Upcoming calendar of meetings & participation info.

Archive of past meeting agendas & minutes.

Cultural Arts Commission

The Sumner Cultural Arts Commission is a group of dedicated volunteers whose mission is to improve the community’s quality of life by uniting long-time residents, new residents and visitors, through the vibrancy and common language of art and creative experiences. Programs include Music Off Main, Nights on Ryan, Write in the Valley, and more. Members serve four year terms.

Staff Contact: Lana Hoover, 253-299-5781,

Design Commission

The Design Commission provides advice to City officials on the implementation of the City of Sumner Design and Development Guidelines. They encourage and promote good design as a vital part of the community. The majority of their membership represents design professions such as engineering, architecture, planning, construction, and landscaping. They serve four-year terms.

Staff Contact: Scott Waller, (253) 299-5527,

Forestry & Parks Commission

The Forestry & Parks Commission provides advice to the City on issues related to Sumner’s parks, recreational facilities, cemetery, trails, trees and planting strips.  Members promote the responsible planting of trees and are responsible for developing and implementing the Urban Forestry Strategy plan as well as the requirements to fulfill our Tree City USA status. Members serve four-year terms, and a majority of the membership must be residents of the City of Sumner.

Staff Contact: Derek Barry, 253-299-5714,

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission advises the City Council on issues related to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, zoning and regulations. The Commissioners deal with land use issues and provide input on land use planning, capital facility planning and special plans for neighborhoods, supporting economic vitality and livability in the community. The Commission is made up of seven members, each of whom serve four-year terms. Click here to view the Planning Commission’s agenda packets and meeting minutes.

Staff Contact: Ann Siegenthaler, 253-299-5520,

Civil Service Commission

Per RCW 41.12 – Civil Service for City Police, this commission performs all duties and obligations as required per State law.  These duties include but are not limited to approvals of various employment lists, testing/promotional methods, conducting hearings, investigations, demotions, suspensions and separations (Ord. 431 § 1, 1937. Prior code § 1.16.010). Terms vary from two to four-years. Click here to review Sumner’s Civil Service Rules.

Staff Contact: Adrienne McNeilly, 253-299-5593,

Lodging Tax Commission

Per State law, this commission reviews and provides input on how the 2% occupancy tax charged of visitors staying in Sumner’s hotel/motels is used to generate further tourism. Participants must include one councilmember, two representatives of organizations that benefit from tourism and two representatives of properties that generate the tax (hotels).  Participants serve one-year terms.

Staff Contact: Carmen Palmer, 253-299-5503,

Salary Commission

Every few years, the Salary Commission forms to set the salary for Sumner’s elected officials. Commissioners review other cities, make comparisons and set the rate for the coming years.

Staff Contact: Jeff Steffens, 253-299-5591,

How to Apply

The City accepts interest in these positions at any time. You can apply either by submitting a completed Commission Application Form online or by printing the form below to mail or send in.

Complete & Submit Form Online:

Print Form to Fill Out & Mail/Email

1. Download the Commission Application Form.

2. Fill it out on your computer and attach it to an email to OR

3. Print the form and fill out by hand. Mail to Michelle Converse, City Clerk, 1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390-1423.

Thank you for your interest and participation in these boards and commissions.

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