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Similar to the more well-known Federal government structure, Sumner’s government is divided into three branches:
The Mayor is elected directly by the people, oversees the executive branch of government, similar to how the President oversees all Federal departments. Sumner has a part-time mayor who employs a City Administrator to run day-to-day operations. Although the Mayor leads City Council meetings, she does not vote on policy, except in very specific instances to break a tie.
The City Council is the legislative, or policy branch of government. Seven members are elected at-large to represent Sumner citizens and set broad policy decisions.
Municipal Court is the judicial branch of government and oversees Sumner’s court of limited jurisdiction.
City Council
Sumner’s Councilmembers serve at large, which means all seven represent every citizen throughout the City. Your thoughts do not have to be reserved for meetings only. Contact your councilmembers to let them know what you’re thinking about the future policy that guides Sumner.
To leave a voicemail message for councilmembers, call 253-299-5791.
Barbara Bitetto, term 2022-2025,
Curt Brown, term 2024-2028,
Pat Clerget, term 2024-2025,
Pat Cole, term 2022-2025,
Andy Elfers, term 2024-2028,
Carla Bowman, term 2024-2028,
Greg Reinke, term 2024-2025,
Councilmembers serve on committees to discuss topics extensively in advance of votes. The following councilmembers serve on these committees:
Community Development: Councilmembers Brown, Cole, Elfers, alt. Bowman
Finance & Personnel: Councilmembers Bitetto, Bowman, Cole, alt. Reinke
Public Safety: Councilmembers Bitetto, Bowman, Clerget, alt. Brown
Public Works: Councilmembers Elfers, Clerget, Reinke alt. Brown
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: Councilmember Bitetto, alt. Bowman
There are a number of ways to track and participate in the Council’s meetings.
1. Items are discussed at length at Council Committee meetings or Study Sessions before being voted on later at a Council meeting. Track a topic earlier in the process for best input. Committee meetings and study sessions are open to the public to listen but don’t contain comment periods.
2. Ask questions and share ideas early; don’t wait for the last meeting. Council meetings aren’t a forum for question and answer anyway. The best option for that is to ask questions of staff and/or council ahead of time.
See above for Council contact information.
3. Stay in touch. Typically, Council Meetings are held the first and third Mondays of the month and Study Sessions the second and fourth Mondays of the month, all starting at 6 pm. Agendas are available online the Wednesday before a meeting.
Click here to access upcoming meeting agenda packets.
Click here to check the calendar for upcoming meetings.
Click here to watch videos of past Council meetings online.
Stream council meetings live right from their calendar listing.
4. Speak up! At Council meetings, items under New Business will include a time for the public to comment. There are also formal public hearings for some items. And, use public comment to talk about anything not on the agenda. Items under Unfinished Business do not include a comment period because they already had a public hearing at a previously scheduled meeting.