Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.

Per Dwelling Unit Calculation

$763,493/19,258 (2020 Pop.) = $40 per capita
2.52 persons/dwelling unit=$100 per dwelling unit

Ind/Com Employee Calculation: $40.00 per capita x .75=$30.00 per employee
Average Employee Calculation:
0-100,000 s.f. = 1.191 emp/1000 s.f.
100,001-200,000 s.f. = 0.602 emp/1000 s.f.
>200,000 s.f. = 0.46 emp/1000 s.f.

School Mitigation Fee

Each year at January 1st, school impact fees shall be adjusted in an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Core Consumer Price Index for the Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. The most recently published index shall be used to adjust the fee obligation for the following year. The current fees are as follows:

Sumner-Bonney Lake School District

  • Single Family: $4,573.27
  • Mobile Homes: Same as above
  • Multi-Family: $2,244.08
  • Zero lot line houses: Same as above

These fees may be collected by the city from any applicant where such development activity requires final plat, PUD approval, issuance of a residential building permit or a mobile home permit, and the fee for the lot or unit has not previously been paid.

Park/Trail Mitigation Fees

Ordinance 2628 combines these previously separate fees into one fee with the following rates:

  • Residential Park Mitigation Fees Adjusted by Bedrooms:*
    • Studio (No Bedrooms): $2,021.54
    • 1 Bedroom: $3,369.24
    • 2-3 Bedroom: $4,211.55
    • 4+ Bedrooms: $6,738.48.
  • Commercial: $210.07 per 1,000 square feet.
  • Industrial: $116.70 per 1,000 square feet

* Accessory Dwelling Units shall be charged 50% of the fee for a dwelling unit.
When a development does not fit clearly into the above categories, the fee will be charged based on the closest category as determined by the Director.

The following will be collected at the time of building permit issuance.
Fee’s for per dwelling unit and per employee:

Residential / Multifamily
(Per dwelling unit*)
Park & Trails Mitigation Fee:$3,527.43 / *$3,026.87$1,770.07 / $829.27 (per 1,000 sq ft)
Fire Mitigation Fee:$80.00$30 per employee
School Mitigation Fee$4,791.83/ *$2,351.32$0

Quick Links

Contact Us

Allison Judge Development Services Coordinator, 253-299-5530

To schedule inspections, please use the online portal. You will use the same login information you used to apply for your permit.

For more information on code issues, please contact the Building Official at 253-299-5530 or buildingofficial@sumnerwa.gov.

online self-service portal for applications & inspections:

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