Per Sumner Municipal Code 18.44.320
The fees prescribed in this section must be paid to the city of Sumner for each sign installation for which a permit is required and must be paid before any such permit is issued.
Type of Sign & Fee
- Wall sign, projecting sign, suspended sign, awning or canopy signs, monument sign greater than 10 square feet: $30.00 + $12.00 for each additional sign on the same permit up to a maximum of $100.00
- Wall sign, projecting sign, suspended sign, awning or canopy signs, monument sign less than 10 square feet: no charge
- Freestanding sign, other than monument sign: $120.00
- Schools, public facilities, and informational signs, city entrance signs, neighborhood identification signs, nonadvertising/nonpromotional, community bulletin board: no charge
- Sidewalk/sandwich boards: $30.00 one-time fee, to be renewed yearly at no charge
- Temporary signs: $35.00, to be renewed yearly
- Special use permit for a period of 60 days: $30.00
Quick Links
- Return to Permit Information & Fees
- Go to the Permit Center homepage
- Open the portal to begin /access your permit application
Contact Us
Allison Judge Development Services Coordinator, 253-299-5530
To schedule inspections, please use the online portal. You will use the same login information you used to apply for your permit.
For more information on code issues, please contact the Building Official at 253-299-5530 or