If you are experiencing or witnessing an emergency or in-progress crime or incident, always call 911.
The Sumner Police Department (via South Sound 911) offers the ability to report certain crimes or incidents online. Once accepted by the police department, an online report will be assigned a case number which can be used for insurance claims or other purposes.
Please keep in mind online reports are generally considered informational or advisory. Online reports are not immediately reviewed, and are not typically assigned for contact or follow-up.
If your incident contains suspects which can be identified, or if you believe there is sufficient evidence to support an investigation, or you DO want contact by an officer, please do not use online reporting. In these instances, we ask that you call dispatch at 253-287-4455 or 1-800-562-9800 in order to be connected to an officer directly.
Online reporting is intended for certain non-emergency, not-in-progress incidents, such as:
- Simple theft or fraud
- Lost or stolen property
- Vehicle prowl or vandalism
Please follow the guidelines below to determine if online reporting is an appropriate option. If you are unsure or would rather talk to someone first, call our non-emergency dispatch at 253-287-4455 or toll-free at 1-800-562-9800.
You may use Online Reporting in these situations only:
If your incident does not meet these guidelines, call 911 or non-emergency to be connected to an officer. |
Do NOT use online reporting, and call 911 or non-emergency if:
DO NOT use online reporting for:
Please visit South Sound 911 (click here) to get started with Online Reporting:
- You will be asked to fill out a series of questions concerning your incident on a secure website.
REMINDER: If you want follow-up or contact by a police officer, you cannot use online reporting as it is not immediately reviewed. You must contact dispatch as noted above so they can put you in touch with a police officer. - You will need to provide valid contact information.
- Once you submit your report, you will be provided with a confirmation number. This is simply an acknowledgement of the submission; it is not your case number.
- The police department will receive your submission, where it will be reviewed and then accepted or rejected.
- If rejected, you should receive a notice containing the reason. If your report does not meet the qualifications above, it may be rejected.
- If accepted, a case number will be assigned to your report. A copy of the report is not automatically provided, but may be requested via public disclosure at our NextRequest portal.
Motor Vehicle Collision Reports
If a collision scene requires emergency assistance, call 911. If a collision scene does not require an emergency response, a police response can still be requested by calling the non-emergency line at 253-287-4455 or 1-800-562-9800. Please keep in mind that every agency has different policies regarding collisions, and depending on the circumstances, officers may not always be able to respond (or respond immediately), and they do not always complete a formal collision report.
In many cases, drivers may choose to handle a collision themselves without police involvement. State law outlines when a collision must be reported, by whom, and how. The Washington State Patrol’s (WSP) website contains a section dedicated to collisions, and offers information on how to report collisions, what the applicable laws are, and how to request collision reports or data. Per the WSP website: Any driver, pedestrian, pedal cycle or property owner involved in a collision within the state – with $1000 or more damage to any one unit and/or injury to any person – must complete a Motor Vehicle Collision Report. However, if a police officer is present and indicates he/she will submit a collision report, then you are not required to submit one.
To file an online collision report, visit the Washington State Patrol (WSP) Collision Records Section website at: https://www.wsp.wa.gov/driver/collision-records/
Contact Us
Sumner Police Department
1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390
Non-Emergency / 24hr Dispatch: 253-287-4455 or toll-free 1-800-562-9800
Administrative Offices: 253-863-6384
Tip Line: 253-299-5678
Animal Control: 253-299-PETS (7387)
FAX: 253-299-5669