Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.

Rate changes effective October 1, 2021

Permit Base Fee:

  • Commercial/Industrial-$100.00
  • Residential-$50.00

Inspection Fee:

2 hours x Current Inspector Burdened Rate (Minimum)-$150.00
Additional inspection as warranted: # hours x Staff Burdened Rate

Plan Review Fee:

1 hour x Current Engineer Burdened Rate (Minimum)-$75
In-house plan review fee + # hours x Current Engineer Burdened Rate
Third-party review fees as billed to City, including City administrative costs

Burdened rate for City staff:

Associate Engineer -$110.00
Engineering Technician -$75.00

System Development Charge

per equivalent service unit (ESU)-$3,739.75

  • singe family residence = 1.0 ESU per unit
  • multi-family residence = 0.8 ESU per unit after 1st unit
  • accessory dwelling units = 0.8 ESU


Includes one permit for TESC, grading and filling, and all non-structure site improvements
((# impervious square feet/3,100 sf) x $SDC)


Includes separate TESC permit before the Site Development permit
TESC Phase: (# square feed of disturbed land/1,000) x $20

SITE Phase:

((# impervious square feet/3,100 sf) x $SDC) – $SDC collected during TESC phase

Quick Links

Contact Us

Allison Judge or Allison Judge, Development Services Specialists, 253-299-5530

To schedule inspections, please use the online portal. You will use the same login information you used to apply for your permit.

For more information on code issues, please contact the Building Official at 253-299-5530 or buildingofficial@sumnerwa.gov.

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