The Popularity of a Tax Break
Yesterday, there was quite the party at the Sumner Senior Center! Over 90 people attended the meeting about how to get a discount on your property taxes if you’re a qualifying senior citizen or have a disability. Now we know: the way to pack a room is to offer the […]
Utility Bill Payments
Did your payment for your Sumner utility bill get returned to you in the mail? That’s because we’re no longer using the third-party company Retail Lockbox to process payments. Please resend any payment to City Hall at 1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390. You can also pay online as well. […]
Full RFQ available at The City of Sumner solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in providing professional services in the area of environment planning, regulatory compliance, and stormwater modeling. Services are expected to last one (1) year with the option for the City of Sumner to extend for […]
Murrey’s Garbage Rate Update
Murrey’s is proposing updated garbage rates, set to take effect on March 1, 2025. Click the link below to review the updated rates and see how they may impact your service.
Message from Chief Moericke
While we say no call is too small in Sumner, we also have cases that have a much larger impact on our community than others do. One of those big cases resolved last week when 12 Pierce County jurors convicted former SHS basketball coach Jacob Jackson. (Link to the story […]
Council Meeting Video
On Tuesday night, our Council Meeting did not air live on YouTube as it’s supposed to do. We’re looking into the reason why that happened to prevent any future issues. In the meantime, we uploaded the video from the meeting to our YouTube Channel, and it is now available for […]
Main Street Trees
The trees on Main Street are getting an upgrade. The current trees are the wrong species for that setting. They naturally grow bigger than fits the location; they block businesses; and their red leaves “disappear” into the primarily brick buildings downtown. We will be replacing these trees with ginkgos, shown […]
Going Solar in Sumner
You’re going to see some construction work on City Hall next week as we get solar panels installed. Yes, our historic building is entering the modern age! The solar system will offset some of Sumner City Hall’s electrical consumption through on-site production and a Net Metering agreement with the utility […]
2025 Legislative Agenda
The State of Washington Legislative Session is beginning. Sumner’s Legislative Agenda highlights ours city’s needs including proposed bills that are supportive and those that are concerning with regard for the City’s ability to provide services including utilities and public safety.
Sex-Offender Information Bulletin
SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETINLEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RELEASE(HIGH RISK TO RE-OFFEND) The Sumner Police Department is releasing the following information pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in State v. Ward, which authorizes law enforcement agencies to inform the public of a sex offender’s location when; […]
Police Add Blue Bridge
Our law enforcement officers often engage with individuals in the community who have critical unmet needs such as food, shelter, clothing, fuel, auto repairs and transportation. It can quickly get cumbersome to rely on referrals or funding campaigns when officers know that someone just needs gas in their car or […]
Fall Yard Care 101
The leaves are falling, bushes and shrubs grew over the hot summer, and there are some yard care tips specifically to keep in mind during this time of year: Do not blow leaves into the street. It clogs the street sweeper; it causes storm drains to flood roads; and it’s […]