Daily Use & Parties

All park spaces, including the gazebo, picnic shelters, tables, barbecues, etc. are available on a first-come, first-serve basis only at no cost. Please note if it is a busy weekend of graduation parties or Father’s Day for example, other people may have the same idea.

Special Events

Large events held in parks such as church picnics and filming commercials can require City services.  These are events that include things such as putting a bouncy house on City property or connecting to power.  Such an event may require a Special Event Permit with applicable insurance requirements and usage fees because of the impact and maintenance necessary before and after a larger event. These fees cover a portion of our costs for things like extra restroom cleanings, grass reseeding, garbage removal, etc. If no permit is issued, the City of Sumner staff is not on hand at the event or responsible for scheduling or reserving the park areas.


  • City of Sumner parks are open 8 am to sunset (Ord. 1812 § 5, 1997)
  • Do not cut, destroy or remove any plant, shrub or structure.
  • Please put trash in appropriate garbage containers only.
  • Please pick up after your animals and dispose in garbage containers only.
  • Do not set off any fireworks or other explosive devices in any parks.
  • Firearms and other weapons are prohibited within the parks.
  • Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  • Golfing is prohibited.
  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited within the park, excluding City maintenance vehicles.
  • Do not ride bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, or in-line skates, except on pathways and other areas designated and posted to specifically permit such activities.
  • Rockets or gas powered model aircraft are prohibited.
  • All animals in a park shall be on a leash, and the owners of the animals shall be responsible for disposing of, in a sanitary fashion, any animal excrement. Horses are not permitted.
  • Fires are prohibited, except in barbecues.
  • Athletic teams participating in an athletic league organized by any public, private or nonprofit organization shall use, for competitive events or for practices, only those fields or facilities designated for use for that athletic event. (Ord. 1994 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1812 § 4, 1997)
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