Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.

Permits are important to make sure your project is safe for you and all future guests, customers. Get started on the right foot as you go through the permit process.

Do I need a permit?

How do I start a permit?

We now use Self Service, an online permitting system that lets you apply and track your permit online. You need to establish an account for the first time to start.

How can you help if I’m really confused?

Contact us. Permits are confusing, and as much as online tools help, each project is unique and comes with its own circumstances and situations. Nothing beats talking to the Permit Center directly: please contact Allison Judge by email or at 253-299-5532.

What codes do you follow?

The City of Sumner, pursuant to state law, will be adopting the 2021 Edition of the International Building Code and all of its requirements on July 1, 2023 October 29, 2023 (The State Building Code Council voted on May 24, 2023, to delay the effective date of the 2021 codes for 120 days.) Building permit applications submitted prior to that date, and deemed complete, will be subject to the 2018 IBC requirements. Building permit applications submitted after that date will be required to comply with the new regulations.

How much do permits cost?

Again, it varies by project and situation. Please contact us early in your planning and project.

Is my project/idea even allowed?

Before you apply, you can get more details about what’s allowed and what’s required by checking the two following sources:

  1. Development Specifications & Design Standards: Does your project affect City infrastructure such as roads, sewer, storm? Be sure to review the Development Specifications & Design Standards (pdf) to understand the general conditions and requirements for all improvements or extensions of the City of Sumner’s infrastructure.
  2. Zoning Code: To check allowable uses and standards for the development (height, setbacks, etc.) you can check the Zoning Code (link to online code).

Construction Hours

If you are doing construction, please note that Sumner restricts construction to the following hours:  Monday-Friday, 7 am – 6 pm, Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays 10 am – 6 pm.

Please be sure to come talk to the Permit Center before you start your project and the permit process.

Land-Use Permits

Most of our examples above are about construction permits. Many projects also need land-use permits, such as a shoreline permit, Design Review, etc. Until we build out more guidance, please continue to ask what your project needs.

Contact Us

Allison Judge Development Services Specialists, 253-299-5532

To schedule inspections, please use the online portal. You will use the same login information you used to apply for your permit.

For more information on code issues, please contact Building Official, at 253-299-5530 or via email.

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