Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.


The City of Sumner solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in providing professional services in the area of civil engineering and municipal public works 

Projects in utility design and roadway design services for the preparation of engineering design plans, specifications, cost estimates, and construction bid documents for the roadway reconstruction and the replacement of water, sewer, and storm utilities on Washington St. between Wood Ave and McMillan Ave. Services are expected to last 7 months with the option for the City of Sumner to extend further for additional time and money if necessary.  

The City of Sumner reserves the right to retain the services of responsive and qualified firm(s) for subsequent phases associated with this project including, but not limited to Construction Management services. 

Consultants will be considered for the following project. 

The City of Sumner reserves the right to amend the terms of this “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ), to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. 

Aspects of this project may be subject to WA State Prevailing Wage rules, filings and requirements. 

Project Scope of Work 

The City will provide the Consultant with GIS data, The anticipated tasks for the project are summarized below: 

  • Preliminary Design Data Collection: Consultant team shall collect all necessary data and information for the successful completion of this project. Data may include, but not be limited to, existing site conditions, geotechnical data, utility locations/conditions, adjacent property restoration needs, utility relocation coordination and determining ADA requirements. Survey data (topography and existing utilities). 
  • Project Design and Specifications: Consultant team shall prepare preliminary and final engineering Plans and Specifications at the level of 30%, 90% and 100%. Consultant team shall prepare final bid document package by the Ad date outlined in the schedule. City staff shall review and provide comments after each level of effort. 
  • Estimated Project Cost: Consultant team shall prepare an estimate of probable cost for the construction phase of the project at the 30%, 90% and 100% levels. 


The City will meet with the selected firm shortly after notification of selection to develop the scope and fee. The Contract will be Awarded by August with design to occur over winter 2024/2025. The City’s goal for the Construction Advertisement Date is no later than March 5th, 2025. 

Evaluation Criteria 

Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: 

  1. Qualifications/expertise of the firm with public works infrastructure; experience with projects of similar complexity and function. 
  1. Qualifications/expertise of the proposed project manager and key staff members 
  1. Consultant’s approach to the City’s project as demonstrated in a description of their approach to the work. 
  1. Familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards, WSDOT LAG Manual, DBE requirements, City of Sumner standards, relevant codes, and City planning requirements. 
  1. Ability to perform high quality work, control costs, meet schedules, prepare documentation, and ensure project commitments are met. 
  1. Past Performance/Reference 

Selection Procedure 

After the deadline for acceptance of proposals, the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) will be reviewed and evaluated by an Evaluation Committee comprised of, but not limited to, City staff, appointed or elected officials, and individuals chosen by Public Works staff to participate. The Evaluation Committee will rate written proposals based on the evaluation criteria listed above. 

The City may select directly from the SOQs or interview the top firms as ranked by the Evaluation Committee. If interviewed, the information from the interviews along with feedback from references will be incorporated into the final rankings. 

If a contract cannot be negotiated with the top ranked firm, the City will contact the next firm in line and attempt to negotiate with that firm. The process will be repeated until an agreement is reached. 


The SOQ should describe the composition of the proposed team, the qualifications of the key individuals identified on that team, and the relevant experience of the team on similar projects. Respondents may include subconsultants within their project team. 

The Consultant’s SOQ should include the following information: 

  1. The proposal should be accompanied by a brief introductory letter stating your firm’s interest in the project; 
  1. Provide resumes of no more than three (3) key members of the proposed project team inclusive of key subconsultant(s) who will work on this project; 
  1. List projects of similar complexity and magnitude undertaken and completed in the past ten (10) years and provide references and a phone number for each reference; 
  1. Reference projects should list the involvement of proposed project team members for whom resumes have been submitted; and 
  1. Please include a statement of assurance that listed team members, including those of subconsultants, will not be replaced without prior approval of the City. 

The SOQ should consist of no more than ten (10) pages. The cover letter, front and back covers, and section dividers will not be counted in the ten (10) page limit. 

Submittal Deadline: 

Please submit an electronic version of your Statement of Qualifications in a single .pdf document by email or other electronic means to gursimrans@sumnerwa.gov no later than Noon on Friday, July 19, 2024. Hard copy submittals are not required. Any proposal received after the specified date and time may be rejected and may not receive any further consideration by the City. Postmarks will not be accepted. All questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to Gursimran Singh, Engineering Specialist, at (253) 299-5712 or gursimrans@sumnerwa.gov. 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information 

The City of Sumner in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Gursimran Singh at gursimrans@sumnerwa.gov or by calling 253-299-5712. 

Title VI Statement 

The City of Sumner, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.” 

Dates of Publication: 

Courier Herald: June 26, 2024 

Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce: June 26, 2024 

Categories: Bids & RFQs

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