Program Mission Statement and Objectives
Joint Pretreatment Program Mission Statement: The mission of the Summer Bonney Lake Joint Pretreatment Program (JPP) was established to protect the publicly owned sewer collection system infrastructure and Sumner Wastewater Treatment Facility by working proactively with local businesses to ensure understanding of and compliance with pretreatment standards, to support economic non-residential development in an environmentally responsible manner and in accordance with the Clean Water Act.
This mission is in-keeping with the mission statements of the Cities of Sumner and Bonney Lake.
Program Objectives
The Cities fully supports and incorporates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington Department of Ecology (ECY) pretreatment objectives as established in EPA’s general pretreatment regulations in 40 CFR Part 403 – General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution.
The Sumner – Bonney Lake Joint Pretreatment Program seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- Protect the health and safety of the Public, and City Employees.
- Prevent and limit the introduction of pollutants or materials that would cause damage to the collection system or cause blockages and overflows.
- Prevent the introduction of pollutants that could interfere with the WWTF treatment process, which cause pollutants to pass through the treatment facility into receiving waters of the White and Puyallup Rivers
- Ensure compliance with local JPP Pretreatment Regulations, the State of Washington and EPA mandated Pretreatment Regulations.
- Improve opportunities to recycle and reclaim municipal and industrial wastewaters and biosolids
- Encourage community development by seeking innovative and collaborative solutions to wastewater issues.
- Endeavor to regulate fairly, use common-sense, and develop reasonable standards that protect public health, public infrastructure and water quality.
What is the Pretreatment Program?
The Pretreatment Program is part of a federal law aimed at keeping our water clean. It ensures that businesses reduce or manage sources of non-domestic wastewater generated from services, processes or activities within their control. The program establishes a requirement for all businesses to report and obtain authorization prior to discharging non-domestic wastewater into City wastewater systems connected to the Sumner Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Is This a New Regulatory Program?
No. The National Pretreatment Program has been around since 1972. The Pretreatment Regulations in Sumner Municipal Code (SMC) 13.18 and Bonney Lake Municipal Code (BLMC) 13.14, incorporates these requirements. The JPP is now the responsible agent for administering existing federal and state pretreatment regulations
Why Is this program Necessary?
The wastewater collection system is a network of underground pipelines designed primarily for the collection and treatment of residential wastewater which we refer to as Domestic Wastewater. Certain non-domestic wastewater can interfere with the operation of wastewater treatment plants. Interference can lead to the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater into the Puyallup River. Even when the WWTF has the capability to remove toxic pollutants from wastewater, these pollutants can end up in biosolids. If the WWTF’s biosolids become contaminated by toxic pollutants, disposal cost will increase dramatically.
Benefits of Non-Domestic Wastewater Pretreatment?
- Compliance with Federal, State and Local Environmental Regulations
- Reduced Treatment and Disposal Costs for Businesses and Taxpayers
- Efficient Use of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Landfills
- Improved Health & Safety for Employees
- Cleaner Environment
As both Cities continue to grow and attract diverse industries and businesses, the potential for pollution also grows—as does the importance of a non-domestic wastewater pretreatment program.
Who Must Participate?
If your business discharges Non-Domestic Wastewater to City sanitary sewer, you must participate in this program. Examples of industrial and commercial businesses subject to federal pretreatment program regulations are Food and Beverage Manufacturers, Metal Fabricators, Warehouse Distributers, Breweries, Restaurants, Automotive Repair Shops, Laundries and Car Washes. These are only some of the facilities which must install, maintain and use pretreatment equipment that removes solids, organic loading, oil, grease, sand and other pollutants before a source of non-domestic wastewater can enter the wastewater collection system. Also included in the program are commercial compounds who have chemicals or other high strength liquids on site which could potentially enter the environment through the wastewater collection system.
What Do I need to Do?
wastewater. Pretreatment can make non-domestic wastewater safe to discharge to sanitary sewers.
The JPP requires the completion of a Non-Domestic Wastewater Screening Form for new or changed businesses identified as having potential to:
- Store certain quantities of hazardous materials, or
- Discharge wastewater other than domestic wastewater to City sewer
Find out how you can take the right steps for your business to ensure your discharge is safe.
For further information contact:
Sumner – Bonney Lake Joint Pretreatment Program
Pretreatment Program Coordinator – Andria Hannegan
1104 Maple St
Sumner, WA 98390
Phone: (253) 299.5713