Sumner Grow is a humus derived from biosolids produced from wastewater treatment. Biosolids are an alternative to chemicals to restore soil health and provide much needed slow release (non-burning) nitrogen to lawns, shrubs, trees and gardens.
Why use It?
This humus is
- Safe to use in all gardens even those with pets and children
- Seed-free
- Enriches the “soil web” to build new soil
- Loosens hard soil
- Develops greater root systems
- Yields healthier and stronger plants
- Increases the water holding capacity of the soil
- Stores moisture as surrounding soil loses water
How do I get it?
Sumner Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility
13114 – 63rd Street E, Sumner WA 98390 253-299-5760
- A Free Bucket Full: Visit the shed in front of the Wastewater Treatment Facility anytime. Bring your own buckets–a shovel will be available.
- A Free Truck Load: If you’d like to fill your pick-up, call us for an appointment, Mon-Fri 7 am-Noon and 12:30-3 pm.
- A Free Dump-Truck Load: We can deliver a full 10-yard bulk load for your yard, commercial landscaping or farm within the Sumner/Bonney Lake area! Call to make arrangements. Please note: we can only provide this option if we have enough material available. Also, a little goes a long way, and many gardeners are surprised at just how much 10 yards really is. We only recommend this option if you have five acres or more to cover at the recommended application rate.

Recommended Uses
The material is soil-like in appearance. Keep material dry until ready for use. Consider mixing your own potting soil and adding about 8-10% Sumner Grow to the mix. This gives your plants a slow-release nitrogen feed with valuable trace elements over a period of time, getting new transplants off to a healthier start.

- Established Lawns: Use as a top dressing at about 25 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
- New Lawns & Sod Applications: Use a little less–about 20 lbs per 1,000 square feet.
- Shrubs: Use about 1 cup for small bushes, two for medium sized, three for large.
- Potted Plants: Use a handful for each medium-sized plant.
- To Restore Worked Out Gardens: Work about 10-20 pounds per 100 square feet into the top 6 inches of soil. This replaces chemical fertilizers.
- Trees: Use 2 pounds per inch of diameter spread evenly to the drip line (the tree’s shade at noon).
Proper use of Sumner Grow will give the best desired plant growth as well as protecting public health and the environment.
This product is not a commercial fertilizer. Nutrient concentrations based on prior analyses, but there are no guaranteed concentrations.
Total Nitrogen (TKN)
Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)