A1 – Stewart Rd (8th St) White River Bridge
Replace existing 2-lane bridge with new bridge with two unequal length spans. New structure will accommodate 4 vehicle lanes, a sidewalk, and a trail crossing.
- Click here for full project page
- Location: Stewart Road at White River
- Total Cost: $35,000,000
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2024
- ROW/Permit: 2024
- Construction: 2025-2028
- Remarks: Project funded by Federal STP Grant, FMSIB Grant, Pierce County, Port of Tacoma, TIB, Congressional Allocation, NHFP and City of Auburn.
A2 – 166th Ave E Widening
Widen 166th Ave E to 4-5 lanes through the identified corridor and improve lane configuration and intersection control at the two existing intersections.
- Click here for the full project page.
- Location: SR 410 WB ramp terminals to just north of 64th St E
- Total Costs: $18,000,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2027
- Construction: 2028 – 30
- Remarks: Design is funded by Federal STP and Port of Tacoma Grants
A3 – Maple Street Pedestrian Signal and Citywide Signal Backplates
Replace existing pedestrian-activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons with signal (expected to be a High Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) signal), add retroreflective back plates to upgrade signal heads citywide.
- Location: Traffic Avenue and Maple Street Ped Signal, Backplates Various Locations Citywide
- Total Cost: $431,000
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: Complete
- Design: Complete
- ROW/Permit: Complete
- Construction: 2025
- Remarks: Over 90% funded by a Highway Safety Improvement Program grant.
A16 – 160th Ave. E
Improve and widen streets to minor arterial standards with bike paths and sidewalks.
- Location: Main Street to 64th St. E.
- Total Cost: $500,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: Sidewalk on east side of 160th completing in 2021. Remaining upgrades unfunded.Installing sidewalk on west side of 160th. Project is unfunded. Sidewalks on east side of 160th were completed in 2022.
A4 – Valley Avenue
Overlay existing roadway surface, complete required ADA upgrades
- Location: From SR 410 to Main Street
- Total Cost: $4,000,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2025
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2026
- Received STP grant funding for the section between SR 410 and Meade McCumber.
A5 – Stewart Road Corridor ITS Improvements
Connect traffic signals and the railroad crossing to coordinate signal timing to increase vehicular traffic flow and reduce peak-hour delay.
- Location: Stewart Road from SR 167 toward Lakeland Hills
- Total Cost: $3,500,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2025
- ROW/Permit: 2026
- Construction: 2027
- Remarks: Received STP grant funding for design in 2025.
A6 – Systemic Horizontal Curve and Roadway Departure Safety Improvements
Install curve waring signs, speed feedback signs, rumble strips, profiled striping, reflective markers, guardrail, street lighting and shouldering to improve safety conditions on north-south roadways that have a history of vehicle departures
- Location: East Valley Highway, West Valley Highway, 142nd Ave. E, and Sumner-Tapps Highway
- Total Cost: $903,000
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: 2023
- Design: 2025
- ROW/Permit: 2025
- Construction: 2027
- Remarks: Received HSIP funding to complete the project, reimbursing 100% of project costs
A7 – Puyallup Street and Tacoma Avenue Intersection Improvements
Evaluate intersection for an upgrade to a signal and provide sidewalks/ADA improvements Upgrade intersection to a signal and provide sidewalks/ADA improvements.
- Location: Intersection of Puyallup Street and Tacoma Avenue
- Total Cost: $2,600,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2025
- ROW/Permit: 2026
- Construction: 2027
- Remarks: Seeking grant funding for design phase of the project.
A8 – East Valley Hwy and Forest Canyon Rd E Intersection Improvements
Upgrade the intersection to improve function.
- Location: Intersection of East Valley Highway and Forest Canyon Road
- Total Cost: $15,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2025
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years. Potential for partial funding through TIF.
A9 – Traffic Avenue and Main Street Intersection Improvements
Upgrade the signalized intersection to improve function.
- Location: Intersection of Traffic Ave and Main Street
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2026
- Design: 2028
- ROW/Permit: 2029
- Construction: 2031
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years. Potential for partial funding through TIF.
A11 – SR 167 / I-5 Connection Project
WSDOT Gateway Program Project – The SR 167 Completion project will build the remaining four miles of SR 167 between Meridian and I-5, completing a long-planned connection to I-5. The project also includes a two mile connection from I-5 to the Port of Tacoma.
- Location: Puyallup to Fife
- Total Cost: $1,000,000,000*
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2017-2025
- ROW/Permit: 2017-2025
- Construction: 2019-2030
- Remarks: WSDOT-led regional project. Sumner has agreed to commit $500,000 as a local agency contribution to the project
A12 – SR 167
Add southbound HOT lane
- Location: From SR 410 Interchange to 15th St SW (Auburn)
- Total Cost: Unknown*
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2023-2025
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2025-2027
- Remarks: This is a WSDOT-led project on a state highway. Sumner has not taken an active role in WSDOT’s project and has not committed any funds to the project to date.
A12 – Sumner Tapps Highway/60th St E Intersection Improvements
Rebuild existing intersection to improve roadway geometrics and add a traffic signal to increase allowable movements
- Location: Sumner Tapps Highway and 60th St E Intersection
- Total Cost: $3,400,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2026
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Potential for partial funding through TIF.
A13- SR 410 / SR 162 Interchange Improvements
Construct a one-lane roundabout configuration at each of the interchange ramps.
- Location: Interchange ramps at SR 410
- Total Cost: $6,650,000*
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2026
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: WSDOT-led project that will improve traffic flow at the existing interchange. Sumner has not taken an active role in WSDOT’s project and has not committed any funds to the project to date.
A15 – Hwy. 162 Improvements
Construct one additional southbound lane on SR 162.
- Location: From southern city limits to SR410 EB On/Off Ramps
- Total Cost: $7,400,000*
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2026
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: This is a WSDOT-led project on a state highway. Sumner has not taken an active role in WSDOT’s project and has not committed any funds to the project to date.
A16 – 160th Ave. E
Improve and widen streets to minor arterial standards with bike paths and sidewalks.
- Location: Main Street to 64th St. E.
- Total Cost: $500,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: Sidewalk on east side of 160th completing in 2021. Remaining upgrades unfunded.Installing sidewalk on west side of 160th. Project is unfunded. Sidewalks on east side of 160th were completed in 2022.
A17 – Main Street and 160th Intersection Improvements
Evaluate intersection for an upgrade to a signal and provide sidewalks/ADA improvements
- Location: Main Street and 166th Ave E. Intersection
- Total Cost: $2,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2026
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years.
* Denotes that project is largely funded by WSDOT, and City has either committed a small percentage contribution or no contribution to date.
** Denotes that project is largely funded by City of Pacific, and Sumner has either committed a small percentage contribution or no contribution to date.
Collector Street Program
C1 – Elm St. & Wood Ave Sidewalks
Extend the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street and the West side of Wood Avenue.
- Location: Bonney Ave to Zehnder St
- Total Cost: $4,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Seeking grant funding for the design and construction phases of the project.
C2 – TC: Cherry & Maple Utilities
Replacement of aging utilities in support of the Town Center Plan redevelopment. Visit Project Page
- Location: Cherry Ave, Maple St and Academy St
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: Yes
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2024
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2025-2026
- Remarks: Budget includes roadway restoration.
C3 – 160th Ave. E.
Improve 160th Ave. E. to Collector St. standards with curb, gutter and sidewalks on each side. Portions may be completed as parts of development prior to this time.
- Location: Elm St. to Main St.
- Total Cost: $2,700,000
- Funded: partial by developers
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Project partially completed by developers.
C4 – Elm St.
Improve Elm St. to Collector St. standards with curb, gutter and sidewalks on each side. Work will include storm drainage facilities and utility replacement
- Location: E. Valley Highway to 160th Ave. E.
- Total Cost: $2,400,000
- Funded: partial by developers
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Project partially completed by developers.
C5 – Parker Rd E
Construct curb, gutter and sidewalk on east side of the street
- Location: 62nd St. to 63rd St.
- Total Cost: $250,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Funding will likely come from a combination of developer-built improvements, Street and Storm funds.
C6 – Parker Rd E
Reconstruct Parker Road to Collector St. standards with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and drainage utilities. Portions have been completed by developer projects and sidewalk grants.
- Location: From Main St. to Elm St.
- Total Cost: $1,300,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: Funding will likely come from a combination of developer-built improvements, Street and Storm funds.
C7 – Zehnder St
Railroad Crossing Improvements to at-grade BNSF rail crossing
- Location: From Pease Ave to Wood Ave
- Total Cost: $1,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2027
- Design: 2028
- ROW/Permit: 2029
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: Identified Road-Rail conflict point where upgrades could be beneficial.
C8 – 162nd Ave. E Segment Extension
Construct new 2-lane roadway section with sidewalks
- Location: 64th St. E to 60th St. E
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2027
- Design: 2028
- ROW/Permit: 2029
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: Element of East Sumner Neighborhood Plan, likely completed by development or LID.
C9 – 164th Ave. Ct. E Segment Extension
Construct new 2-lane roadway section with sidewalks
- Location: 160th Ave. E to Existing 164th Ave. Ct. E
- Total Cost: $2,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2027
- Design: 2028
- ROW/Permit: 2029
- Construction: 2030
- Remarks: Element of East Sumner Neighborhood Plan, likely completed by development or LID.
C10 – Meade McCumber & Gary Street Sidewalk Improvements
Complete the sidewalk gaps at these two locations
- Location: Wood Ave to Valley Ave
- Total Cost: $650,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2027
- ROW/Permit: 2028
- Construction: 2029
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years.
C11 – Elizabeth Street
Improve Elizabeth Street to residential street standards with roadway improvements curb, gutter and sidewalks on each side. Portions have been completed with sidewalk grants and programs.
- Location: Hunt Ave. to Traffic Ave.
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2029
- Design: 2030
- ROW/Permit: 2031
- Construction: 2032
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years.
C12 – Hunt Ave
Improve Hunt Avenue to residential street standards with roadway improvements, curb, gutter and sidewalks on each side. Portions have been completed by developer projects.
- Location: W Main Street to dead end past Harrison Street
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2029
- Design: 2030
- ROW/Permit: 2031
- Construction: 2032
- Remarks: This is a future project that will be evaluated in the coming years.
Trail Projects
T1 – Fryar Ave. Trail
Complete trail connection through town.
- Location: West Main St. to Puyallup St.
- Complete trail connection through town.
- Total Cost: $7,200,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: Completing in 2024
- ROW/Permit: 2024
- Construction: 2025
- Remarks: Design and ROW partially funded by federal grant. No construction funding identified.
T2 – White River Restoration Trail
Construct 8000 LF trail in conjunction with restoration project.
- Location: #9 Ditch to area north of 16th Street
- Construct 8000 LF trail in conjunction with adjacent development
- Total Cost: $3,000,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: Completing 2023
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2026
- Remarks: Partially funded by developers
T3 – Rivergrove Pedestrian Bridge
Construct trail bridge to provide a new trail connection between Sumner Town Center and the Rivergrove neighborhood over SR 410.
- Location: Trail overpass connecting the vicinity of Alder Ave. to 143rd Ave. E
- Total Cost: $11,200,000
- Funded: Partial
- Planning: Complete
- Design: 2025
- ROW/Permit: N/A
- Construction: 2027
- Remarks: Design funding provided by ST3 grant. No construction funding identified.
T4 – Puyallup River Trail Bridge
Construct a trail bridge and trail connections to provide a connection to the Foothills Trail per the Sumner Parks and Trails Plan.
- Location: Trail overpass connecting 144th Ave E to 143rd Ave E
- Total Cost: $6,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2029
- ROW/Permit: 2031
- Design: 2030
- Construction: 2032
- Remarks: Identified in Draft Parks and Trails Plan. No funding source secured
T5 – Puyallup River Crossing
Provides improved connection with the Puyallup and Foothills trail system
- Location: From Sumner Wastewater Treatment Facility to Puyallup trail
- Total Cost: $4,000,000
- Funded: No
- Planning: 2029
- Design: 2030
- ROW/Permit: 2031
- Construction: 2032
- Remarks: Potential joint project with Puyallup. Eligible for federal CMAQ funding.
Recurring Annual Programs
R1 – Street Overlay Program
Overlay and rebuild existing streets throughout the City.
- Annual Costs: $150,000
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R2 – Roadway Paint Line Application
Program to repaint lane lines within the City
- Total Costs: $40,000
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R3 – Pavement Repairs
Repair spot surface and subgrade failures through dig-outs throughout the City.
- Total Costs: $66,150
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R4 – Roadway Plastic Marking Application
Program to replace crosswalk, stop bar, and arrow markings within the City
- Total Costs: $56,100
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R5 – Chip Seal Application
Program to apply a chip seal treatment to asphalt roads throughout the City.
- Total Costs: $136,500
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R6 – Crack Seal Application
Maintain roads with crack seal throughout the City
- Total Costs: $78,750
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R7 – Neighborhood Traffic Control Program
Modify residential streets to enhance pedestrian safety, slow traffic, and minimize cut-through traffic on collector and local roadways.
- Total Cost: $28,000
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Street Operating General Fund Budget
R8 – ADA Transition Plan
Address the projects identified in the ADA Transition Plan
- Total Cost: $40,000
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Sidewalks Construction Capital Fund Budget
R9 – Sidewalk Maintenance Program
Replace/rebuild existing failing sidewalks due to damage caused by street trees.
- Total Cost: $250,000
- Funded: Yes
- Remarks: Sidewalks Construction Capital Fund Budget. Formerly the Volunteer Sidewalk Program.
R11 – Safe Routes to School
Fill in gaps in sidewalks, provide repairs to existing ADA ramps, and replace ramps that do not meet current code. Continue educational components and install speed feed back signs.
- Total Cost: N/A
- Funded: No
- Remarks: City will fund local match as needed. Continue to apply for SRTS Grants.
*Project is largely funded by WSDOT, and City of Sumner has either committed a small percentage contribution or no contribution to date.
**Project is largely funded by City of Pacific, and the City of Sumner has either committed a small percentage contribution or no contribution to date.
Main St. and Wood Ave. Intersection Improvements
Construct pedestrian improvements and upgrade signal to current standards.
- Location: Main St. and Wood Ave. intersection
- Total Cost: $3,580,000
- Remarks: Project completed in 2024. Project was partially funded by PSRC grant funding
Elm Street Sidewalk Improvements
Extend the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street to connect to Bonney Ave and Seibenthaler Park.
- Location: Bonney Ave. to Wright Ave.
- Total Cost: $550,000
- Remarks: Project completed in 2024. Project funded by TIB grant.
Stewart Rd (8th St.) Railroad Crossing
Widen Stewart Rd from 2 lanes to 4/5 lanes, widen the Union Pacific Railroad Crossing, Install a new signal at Butte Avenue
- Location: Valentine Ave to Butte Ave (in the City of Pacific)
- Total Cost: $6,000,000
- Estimated Completion: 2023
- Remarks: Project was run by City of Pacific. City of Sumner contributed $700,000 of TIF funds to the project.
Alder & Kincaid Utility Improvements Phase 1
Replacement of aging utilities in support of the Town Center Plan redevelopment
- Location: Park St. to Main St.
- Total Cost: $6,000,000
- Estimated Completion: 2023
- Remarks: Project includes Heritage park woonerf construction.
Academy Street: Bicycle Lanes
Improve and reconfigure exising Academy Street to accommodate dedicated bicycle lanes.
- Location: Narrow St. to Wood Ave
- Total Cost: $875,000
- Estimated Completion: 2023
- Remarks: Design funding provided by ST3 grant.
Contact Us
Public Works Department
1104 Maple Street, Suite 260, Sumner WA 98390
253-299-5700 FAX 253-299-5539
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