Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts through this summer’s budget priority survey. GreatBlue Research listened to responses from over 700 participants and reported the following to Council.

Priorities for Future Budget Allocation

Traffic emerged as the top concern, with eight out of ten respondents ranking it among their top three issues, and nearly one-third expressing dissatisfaction with the condition of roads and streets. To address these concerns, budget allocation should focus on traffic management solutions, regular road maintenance, and sidewalk repairs should one-time funding become available. Additionally, safety concerns, particularly at night, and concerns with the perceived increase in the homeless population were also prominent. Increasing funding for public safety measures–such as enhancing police presence, improving emergency response times, and supporting human services for those experiencing homelessness–could help address these issues and improve residents’ overall sense of safety.

Reinforcing Strengths in Areas of High Satisfaction

Nearly nine out of ten respondents expressed satisfaction with the ‘’Senior Center,” ‘’quality of parks & trails,” and the ‘’variety of community programs and events.” To build on these strengths, Sumner should develop a budget to maintain and improve these valued services and amenities. By focusing on these areas, Sumner can reinforce strengths that contribute to residents’ high quality of life and ensure continued community satisfaction.

Full Report

Watch Full Presentation

GreatBlue Research provided a full presentation to the City Council at the start of the September 3 meeting.

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