SEPA Determination of Consistency
Project Name: 9-Lot Sumner Village Townhomes
Project Number: SEPA-2023-0004
Location: 16313 60th ST E Sumner, WA 98390 (Parcel#9225000520)-High Density Residential
Description of Proposal: This proposal is for the construction of nine (9) townhomes developed as zero-lot line properties. Development to include paved drive access, pedestrian walkways, site landscaping, open space, stormwater management and parking. As a part of this project, dedication and construction of the half street extension of 164th Ave Ct will occur along the north of the site.
Proponent: Stephen Bridgeford, Contour Engineering, PO Box 949 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Lead Agency: City of Sumner
Planned Action Ordinance: East Sumner Neighborhood Plan, Ordinance No. 2535.
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it is consistent with a City of Sumner Planned Action Ordinance. Therefore, no further SEPA environmental review will be required beyond the supplemental environmental impact statement (EIS) that has already been completed under SMC 16.04.170, RCW 43.21C.440 and WAC 197-11-164-172 for the Planned Action Ordinance for the relevant Plan area. This Determination of Consistency was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this Determination of Consistency.
Associated Documents:
Responsible Official: Ryan Windish Position/Title: Community Development Director
Address: 1104 Maple Street Suite 250, Sumner, WA 98390 Phone: (253) 299- 5524
Date Issued: November 4, 2024
Questions: Chrissanda Walker, Assoc. Planner:, or 253.299.5527
Conditions of approval:
1. All Building and Fire Codes for the design shall be based off the 2021 code cycle.
2. Fire hydrant spacing shall comply with Sumner municipal code requirements.
3. The existing street, 164th Ave Ct E to the east, will ultimately be extended through as a part of this project. This project will construct just the section along the project’s north frontage. The street extension shall be dedicated and constructed with full frontage improvements that comply with the local residential standard. Because the north portion of the future 164th Ave Ct E right-of-way (ROW) will be dedicated and constructed by the property to the north, this project will only need to dedicate and build the southerly 38 feet. Within that 38-feet there is room to build a functional street. The local residential street standard requires: 0.5’ from south ROW line to sidewalk, 5’ sidewalk, 7’ planter, 0.5’ curb, and then 25’ of pavement to the property line with no on street parking until the property to the north develops and completes the road buildout. On street parking on the south side is optional and would require a 40’ half street dedication which would allow a single 7’ wide code compliant parking “lane” plus two travel lanes.
4. The 60th Street frontage of the east portion of this project will be improved with full frontage improvements extended to match the existing improvements to the east which include illumination, stormwater, 6’ sidewalk, planter strip, on street parking, etc.
5. If ground disturbing activities encounter human skeletal remains during the course of construction, then all activity will cease that may cause further disturbance to those remains. The area of the find will be secured and protected from further disturbance until the State provides notice to proceed. The finding of human skeletal remains will be reported to the county medical examiner/coroner and local law enforcement in the most expeditious manner possible. The remains will not be touched, moved, or further disturbed. The county medical examiner/coroner will assume jurisdiction over the human skeletal remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non-forensic. If the county medical examiner/coroner determines the remains are non-forensic, then they will report that finding to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) who will then take jurisdiction over the remains. The DAHP will notify any appropriate cemeteries and all affected tribes of the find. The State Physical Anthropologist will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or Non-Indian and report that finding to any appropriate cemeteries and the affected tribes. The DAHP will then handle all consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains.
6. Prior to building permit issuance, the property shall have recorded title notification of the following hazard areas, on forms provided by the City:
a. Aquifer Recharge Area
b. Seismic Hazard Area
c. Volcanic hazard area
7. The applicant shall review and implement applicable required mitigating measures established under the East Sumner Neighborhood Plan Planned Action Ordinance Exhibit B.
8. Prior to construction, applicant shall install project site signage, with one sign per street frontage and signs shall be at least 2 feet by 3 feet minimum in size. The sign shall state that the project qualifies as a Planned Action Project, include this SEPA permit number and approval date, contractor contact information and other applicable project details and renderings. Signs shall be posted within 30 days of issuance of this Determination of Consistency.