Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.
While we say no call is too small in Sumner, we also have cases that have a much larger impact on our community than others do. One of those big cases resolved last week when 12 Pierce County jurors convicted former SHS basketball coach Jacob Jackson. (Link to the story online.) This conviction upheld justice for our community, especially the many students whom Jackson victimized for years. It also protected the untold number of students who could have become victims of his predatory acts.
This is a victory for justice, yet no victory comes without a cost. This case struck at the very heart of a small community that created a divide between those who supported the “then” popular coach and those who supported the many victims who courageously came forward. No victory comes fast or easy. It was not easy for victims to come forward and admit their vulnerability and to confront a person with power and influence over them – they are truly heroes who hopefully inspire other victims of crime, especially sexual crimes, to find their voice. It was not easy for a small department with limited means to undertake an investigation of this size and scale, spending countless hours investigating and collecting evidence in a fair, impartial and constitutional manner. Our investigation did just that, and Jackson was convicted on all counts by proof beyond a reasonable doubt, our nation’s highest standard.
Justice is also not the same thing as healing. While this conviction can help with healing, it does not eliminate the mental and emotional trauma experienced by the victims, their family and friends and this community. This was not an easy case, on an emotional level, for our staff either. I hope anyone struggling with mental or emotional challenges seeks assistance to work through the deeper levels of grief caused by such a breach of trust. Here’s how one of the victims shared his perspective in his own words: “I knew everything was going to be okay. I’ve got a whole community of people that support me, believe in me, and that’s just what the City of Sumner does to people like us. It just makes you keep going in life, no matter what happens, no matter what adversity God throws at you, you’re still going to be able to overcome it.”
I want to thank the many dedicated Sumner PD professionals in their steadfast pursuit of justice, including a retired detective that returned to testify at trial. I thank the victims that had the courage to come forward and persevere through a trial that asked them to relive and share their trauma. I thank the Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office for their steadfast diligence, skill, and advocacy prosecuting this case. Lastly, I want to thank the city staff and community that had the patience and trust in our department throughout this very long process.
It is an honor to serve such a great department and community.  

Brad Moericke, Chief 

As Chief of Police, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our webpages. Whether through the information on these pages or in person, we are committed to work in partnership with you to ensure that Sumner is a place where all people can work, visit, and live safely and without fear. Your involvement is a vital component to our success, and we depend on you to be engaged in our community by reporting suspicious activity or finding ways to partner with us.

We are also committed to utilizing innovative strategies to reduce or prevent crime. Through our website you can access real time crime data and mapping and get valuable crime prevention and safety tips. We partner with neighborhoods in the community to form Block Watch groups and educate our citizens through our annual Citizen’s Academy.

We are an accredited law enforcement agency, which means we follow the highest standards for law enforcement.  Our greatest asset as a department is our officers and support staff. They understand the importance of what they do and have a strong sense of duty and pride when it comes to protecting and serving you.

Please look through the information and services available online, and let us know if there’s anything we can do together to help make Sumner a safer community. Our vision is to have a department that will set the standard of excellence for a progressive small-city police department.

We are proud to serve such a wonderful community and welcome your feedback.

Chief Brad Moericke


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