Our online utility bill pay system is currently down. The software vendor is looking into the issue. In the meantime, we will not proceed with shut-offs as scheduled for 2/28/23 and will update the timeline when the system returns. You can still pay by credit card, check or cash at City Hall.

We are an accredited law enforcement agency, which means we follow the highest standards for law enforcement. Our greatest asset as a department is our officers and support staff. They understand the importance of what they do and have a strong sense of duty and pride when it comes to protecting and serving you. Click here for a full message from Chief Moericke.

Latest News from Sumner Police

Message from Chief Moericke

While we say no call is too small in Sumner, we also have cases that have a much larger impact on our community than others do. One of those big cases resolved last week when 12 Pierce County jurors convicted former SHS basketball coach Jacob Jackson. (Link to the story […]

Sex-Offender Information Bulletin

SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETINLEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RELEASE(HIGH RISK TO RE-OFFEND) The Sumner Police Department is releasing the following information pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in State v. Ward, which authorizes law enforcement agencies to inform the public of a sex offender’s location when; […]
Metro Animal Services

Animal Services Shifts to Remote

Our own Metro Animal Services building is currently closed due to unexpected maintenance that cannot be delayed. In December, staff and facilities personnel discovered organic growth under the flooring in the office area. An industrial hygienist evaluated the facility and repairs are underway so that the building can be safely […]

Police Add Blue Bridge

Our law enforcement officers often engage with individuals in the community who have critical unmet needs such as food, shelter, clothing, fuel, auto repairs and transportation. It can quickly get cumbersome to rely on referrals or funding campaigns when officers know that someone just needs gas in their car or […]

$20k Bonus for Lateral Police Hires

Come join our team! Check out all the great lateral incentives we are offering for Lateral and Exceptional Entry hires: Lateral Officer Incentives: Exceptional Entry Level Officer Incentives: Police Officer Position Hiring Levels:Entry Level Police Officer: 0 years’ experience as a fully commissioned law officer.Exceptional Entry Police Officer: Less than […]

Sumner PD Facebook

Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department1 day ago
Please help us congratulate our newest Animal Control Officer, Catherin Baldwin, on her graduation from the WACA/WSCJTC Animal Control Officer Academy last Friday. We also thought it was worth mentioning that Catherine earned an award for her academic achievement by scoring a perfect 100% on her final exam! Congratulations ACO Baldwin. We are very proud of your accomplishment! Metro Animal Services
Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department5 days ago
Badges & Barbells is making a powerful impact at Elhi Hill School! With support from P.A.L. of Sumner, School Resource Officer Brandon Anderson is bringing teens and law enforcement together through strength training, building trust, confidence, and mentorship along the way. More than just a workout, this program is creating meaningful connections, encouraging open communication, and strengthening the community one rep at a time. It’s a win for everyone involved!

Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department5 days ago
Earlier this week, we swore in our newest Officer, Johnathon Francis. Officer Francis comes to our department as a lateral from San Diego County Sheriffs Office. Please help us welcome Officer Francis to SPD! We are happy to have him here as part of our team.
Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department2 weeks ago
Planning on partying this St. Patrick's Day weekend? Make sure to plan ahead now for a sober, safe ride home. There will be a statewide DUI emphasis happening over the weekend and many units will be out patrolling for DUI's.
Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department3 weeks ago

If you have any information about missing person, Sergey Cherneychuk, please call and leave a message on the Sumner PD tipline at 253-299-5678.
Sumner Police Department
Sumner Police Department3 weeks ago
Heads up on an upcoming road closure for BNSF to work on the railroad crossing at Main Street.

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